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NO BEARS, by Jafar Panahi

Vendredi 27 septembre à 20h30
aux Cinemas du GRÜTLI

Le chef-d’œuvre de Jafar Panahi raconte l’histoire d’un petit village, de ses coutumes bien ancrées et de ses habitants méfiants. Panahi s’y est rendu pour travailler sur un film qu’il tourne en Turquie via son ordinateur, car il n’a pas le droit de voyager à l’étranger. Ses sentiments de solitude et de frustration, la gentillesse et la simplicité de ses hôtes, la prise d’une photo sur une scène problématique qui va soulever la suspicion de tout le village – tout cela se mélange de manière profonde et mystérieuse. 

C’est aussi l’histoire de deux amours – l’un dans son film turc, l’autre dans le village même, avec deux jeunes épris – entravés par les pressions de coutumes archaïques. S’y ajoute la superstition selon laquelle des ours se trouvent à l’extérieur du village pour empêcher les habitants de s’aventurer hors des limites du hameau. 

Panahi parvient une nouvelle fois à nous offrir un film qui en dit bien plus que l’apparence de l’histoire qu’il raconte, comme déjà dans « L’or pourpre », « Hors-jeu », « Taxi », et parfois dans son propre rôle. Il a toujours été en conflit avec le gouvernement, tour à tour emprisonné et libéré, assigné à résidence et interdit de sortie du territoire en raison de ses nombreuses œuvres portant un regard cru et sans concession sur la réalité  et qui remportent de nombreux prix à l’étranger. Celui que nous vous présentons et qui a enchanté la critique, a été tourné dans le plus grand secret et a remporté le Prix Spécial du Jury à la Mostra de Venise en 2022. 

A l’occasion de cette première projection de a saison d’automne, nous aurons le plaisir de vous accueillir pour un apéritif avant la séance , à partir de 20h.


Jafar Panahi’s tender masterpiece is about a small village, its rooted customs and its wary inhabitants. Panahi has come here to work on a film he is making in Turkey via his computer as he is not allowed to travel abroad. His feelings of solitude and frustration, the kindness of his simple hosts, his photographing a problematic scene of which the whole village becomes suspicious – all meld together in a profound and mysterious manner.

It’s also a tale of two loves – one in his Turkish film, and the other right in the village, with two young lovers – stymied by archaic strictures. And then the superstition that there are bears outside the village to hinder the inhabitants from straying outside the hamlet’s boundaries.


Again and again, Panahi manages to make films that say much more than their obvious stories, such as “Crimson Gold”, “Offside”, “Taxi”, sometimes playing himself.

He has always been at odds with the government, in and out of prison, under house arrest and forbidden to leave the country, over his many revelatory works that keep winning awards abroad.

This one took the Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival in 2022, enchanting the critics, especially as it was filmed in complete secrecy.


For this first screening of the autumn season, please come join us for drinks before the film, from 20h.  


Programmations précédentes


Mardi 11 juin à 20h30
aux Cinemas du GRÜTLI

Dans le cadre du festival Parsi Parla

Ahmad, un enseignant en exil le long de la frontière iranienne avec l’Afghanistan, se lie d’amitié avec une famille de réfugiés Hazara fuyant les talibans. Lorsqu’il décide d’aider un amour interdit, il risque des conséquences désastreuses pour toutes les personnes impliquées.



Endless Borders, qui a remporté la Compétition Big Screen à Rotterdam, promet de se démarquer comme un des films les plus complexes de 2023 (…). Ce cinquième long-métrage de l’Iranien Abbas Amini traite de nombreuses questions morales et éthiques de manière particulièrement nuancée, mais porte en son cœur des valeurs qui nous sont chères : la liberté et l’amour.
– Vladan Petkovic, Cineuropa 

Chers cinéphiles,

Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir au Grutli cinemas lundi le 29 Avril  à 19h pour la projection printanière du film THE WINNERS en vo sous titres fr.

Dans une petite ville de province iranienne, les enfants travaillent dur pour subvenir aux besoins de leur famille. Un jour, Yahya, neuf ans, et son amie Leyla trouvent une précieuse statue ( une OSCAR?!). Partageant une passion pour le cinéma, le patron de Yahya, Naser Khan, décide de les aider à retrouver le propriétaire.

Comme toujours, nous offerons des boissons fraîches et des collations. Essayez de venir quelques temps avant la projection du film pour savourer cet interlude social a partir de 18h.


When a precious statue ( an OSCAR?!) goes missing in Iran,Yahya and his friend compete with the authorities to return the treasure to its rightful owner.
Yahya’s boss, who shares Yahya’s passion for cinema, decides to help the children find the statuette’s rightful owner.
A charmer of a film – not to miss!

Come for drinks before- from 18h.

Nous nous réjouissons de votre présence.

Votre group Cine Club Persan


de Darius Mehrjui

Jeudi 8 février à 20h30

Dear Cinephiles,

Please join us for our first screening of 2024. As promised, we will be paying homage to the important and influential Iranian film director Dariush Mehrjui (“The Cow”, “Santouri”) who was brutally murdered this past October along with his wife in their home outside Tehran. Mehrjui was a founding member of the Iranian New Wave Movement in the 1970s, and was a very vocal presence against artistic control and censorship in his country.

We have picked LEILA, his 1997 film starring one of Iran’s most popular and finest actresses, Leila Hatami, who gained international attention in the multi prize-winning film, “A Separation”.

Mehrjui’s film is a melodrama examining a cultural stranglehold that often prevails in Iranian society.

Leila and Reza are happy in their new marriage. But when Leila finds out that she cannot bear children, a dark cloud descends upon their union, especially due to a prying and insistent mother-in-law. Reza insists that he loves Leila and doesn’t mind not having children, but his mother insists he must have offspring, going as far as suggesting he takes a second wife. With her feelings of guilt and shame, Leila is torn between her husband’s fidelity to her, and the mother’s constant badgering. An incredible, heart-rending view of the old world versus the new.

As usual, we will be offering a light apero from 20h before the film which starts at 

20.30 on Thursday, February 8.

The Cinema-Club-Persan at the GRÜTLI Cinemas.

Looking forward,
Your CCP team

No land’s song

de Ayat Najafi

Lundi 16 octobre à 19 h
aux Cinémas du Grütli

En Iran, depuis la révolution de 1979, les femmes n’ont plus le droit de chanter en public en tant que solistes. Une jeune compositrice, Sara Najafi, avec l’aide de trois artistes venues de France (Elise Caron, Jeanne Cherhal et Emel Mathlouthi), va braver censure et tabous pour tenter d’organiser un concert de chanteuses solo…

Depuis la révolution islamiste de l’ayatollah Khomeyni en 1979 en Iran, les femmes n’ont plus le droit de chanter en public en solistes. La censure a effacé des tablettes toute une tradition de grandes voix féminines iraniennes des années 1930. Impur, selon l’islam version pouvoir en place ! En 2012, Sara Najafi, une jeune chanteuse et compositrice de Téhéran, décide de braver l’interdiction, la censure et le ministère de la Culture et de la Guidance islamique en organisant un concert à Téhéran avec des artistes françaises, Jeanne Cherhal et Elise Caron, et la Tunisienne Emel Mathlouthi. Le début d’un épuisant parcours du combattant. Sara Najafi rajuste toutes les semaines son hidjab sur sa chevelure noire et affronte, au ministère, le vieux mollah qui dicte la règle. Refus, refus, refus encore… Mais elle possède l’énergie de sa jeunesse, la bravoure, l’humour et un caractère capable de soulever des montagnes. Ce très beau documentaire raconte cette aventure jusqu’au concert. Il s’en dégage un souffle de colère et de liberté, une émotion intense.
Hubert Lizé, Le Parisien


de Ida Panahandeh

Lundi 12 juin à 19 h
aux Cinémas du Grütli

Dear Cinephiles,

Please join us for our summer screening of TITI, the fascinating tale of an Iranian gypsy woman (Elnaz Shakerdoost) who tries to save a young, important physicist (Parsa Pirouzfar) lying in a coma.
This intriguing melodrama by the award-winning director Ida Panahandeh delves into the lives of different classes of Iranian society, showing how even a woman from the lower echelons of that country can be head-strong and independent. A strange bond develops between the two characters, with quite a few hindrances from jealous companions and relatives. But that’s what melodramas are all about, especially this one with a colorful, divergent view of modern Iran.

As usual we will be offering drinks and snacks for our loyal audience.
Please arrive a bit before the 19h screening time for the social hour.

Looking forward,
Your CCP team

Soirée iranienne, avec des projections et réception
le mercredi 14 juin 2023:

17h00, Salle Fonction: Cinéma
  • DREAM’S GATE, Negin Ahmad (78min)
    I’M PREGNANT WITH TIME HERE, Mohammad Hasani (4min)
    AMAAS (L’ENFLURE), Kayvaan Sarvari (11min)

19h00, Espace Hornung
  • Réception sur invitation, en collaboration avec
    l’associationFemme Vie Liberté – Zan Zendegui Azadi Suisse
    et restaurant Tehran
20h00, Cinémas du Grütli
  • LES NUITS DE MASHHAD, Ali Abbasi (118 min)

22h30 Bloc Orient Express Salle Fonction: Cinéma
  • MIXED (DARHAM), Mina Sadat Hosseini (11min)
    SPLIT ENDS, Alireza Kazemipour (14min)
    YELLOW, Sahar Mahmoudi (12min)
    JUST ABOUT, Mahmood Pouyandesh (15min)
    DISGRACE, Alia Riahee (13 min)

Programmations précédentes

de Ali Behrad

Lundi 3 avril à 19h15 – GRÜTLI cinemas
(Sous-titrage anglais uniquement)

A chaque rendez-vous, les amoureux du cinéma persan nous permettent de découvrir des films inédits venus d’un pays dont la richesse cinématographique n’est plus à prouver. Cette fois, le Ciné-club persan nous convie, le lundi 3 avril à 19h15 pour la projection du film IMAGINE de Ali Behrad. Téhéran, la nuit. Un chauffeur de taxi tombe amoureux d’une femme à qui il n’ose pas avouer ses sentiments. Alors commence un jeu de séduction mêlant mystère et fantaisie. Bande-annonce et billetterie –>


Monday, 12 December, 19h – GRÜTLI cinemas

For December we are showing an exceptionally gripping and timely film which was actually made in 2011. Uncannily, it’s almost a mirror of the strength and bravery of young Iranian women battling for their freedom right now!

It tells the tale of two completely different women in Iran – one is the wife of a man in prison, working as a taxi driver to support her child while waiting for her husband to be released. The other is a rich man’s daughter who wants to become a boy. Produced and directed by women (Negar Azarbayjani), this work was the first to take up the subject of a transgender case.

Brilliantly directed and acted (Shayesteh Irani and Ghazal Shakeri), this film takes us into the stories of these two courageous women who connect their disparate lives in this thrilling road movie in which humanity and acceptance is what really counts.

A very modern film that should not be missed – make sure to come to the Grütli Cinemas at 19h on Monday, December 12th. A tempting Persian aperitif will be available from 18h.



Dear Cinephiles,

come join us on Tuesday, September 13th – 19h, at our usual cinema Grütli for a special screening of one of Iranian director Jafar Panahi’s most personal films.

A taxi driver goes around Tehran, picking up various passengers. He has quite friendly and animated conversations with them. These are all sorts of people, from every class, with their diverse problems and tales, but the most precious of them all is a precocious little girl who has an answer to everything.

Nothing could be simpler than this, to film just snippets of lives in a taxi… And yet… and yet, there is a world of daring, intelligence, humor and courage in this semi-documentary from 2015, which took the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin film festival that year. For the director and driver of the taxi are both Jafar Panahi, one of Iran’s most esteemed filmmakers. Taxi Tehran actually epitomises much of what Panahi has been creating all along in his career – films with a deep caring for the lives of his people and the problems of his country. His many works, which have received multiple awards around the world, include The White Balloon, The Circle, Crimson Gold, Offside, This is Not a Film, etc…

You may have seen this film, but it is one to see again for all the special characters, the gentle look at his city and the humanity of Panahi.

We bow to his great talent.

NRI for the CCP

Tale of the see

Lundi 23 mai
aux Cinémas du Grütli

Dear cinephile,

Do come and join us for another Iranian movie at Grutli cinemas on Tuesday 12 April at 7.30 pm.

Here’s a modern Iranian quasi-comedy on a serious subject.
A group of friends gather at the weekend home of a man who may be dying of some illness. More about the problems and quirks of the friends rather than the main fellow who may be celebrating his last birthday, this film shows the various characteristics of today’s middle-aged, middle-class generation.
A mix of “The Big Chill” and “About Elly”, this film by first-time director, Soroush Sehat lays bare the hangups of a generation wavering between old customs and new trends.

Dear friends and loyal cinephiles,

Along with wishing you a fulfilling and healthy 2022, we have a fine start for our CCP season.
We will be screening for only one night the exceptional documentary, COUP 53, whose director Taghi Amirani will be our guest for a Q&A after this important film about a crucial moment in the modern history of Iran.

As you can gather from the title, it concerns the coup-d’état instigated by Britain and the U.S.A. in 1953 against Iran’s democratically-elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadeg, who had managed to finally nationalize Iranian petroleum from the decades-long control of the British.

Amirani has mounted a thorough exploration of all sides of this history-bending event through in-depth interviews with those who had intimate connections with the affair, re-created some of the happenings and even brought in actor Ralph Fiennes to play the key Englishman involved in the coup. This is both a factual and stunning expose.

As it is only for one evening and an exceptional film, please do reserve your tickets in advance on the Grütli Cinemas website, starting from this coming Monday.

Le Cine-Club-Persan  soutien
l’ « Iranian Film Festival Zurich ».

Welcome to the 7th edition of the Iranian Film Festival ONLINE due to uncertainties caused by the pandemic and the missing existence of a real fiesta experience. In 2020 the festival went online in a time when most festivals cancelled or postponed to a much further date. In this edition, the festival presents 12 feature and 17 short films in competition. These films will be judged under the eyes of prestigious jury members.

The 7th edition of the festival displays a selection of exceptional films from Iranians and other national filmmakers from Austria, Canada, UK, Greece, USA and across all generations showing many aspects of life in Iran as well as universal issues.

Founder & Artistic Director
Yadolah Dodge

Please see the 12 feature
films in competition

Please see the 17 short
films in competition

Please see our animation
films for all ages

Please see the 3 feature films
out of competition

16 janvier


aux cinémas du Grütli

Bomb, a Love Story

Payman Maadi – Iran – 2018 – vost – 96′ – Couleurs

En 1988, au plus fort de la guerre entre l’Iran et l’Irak, Téhéran est bombardé sans relâche. Dans ces jours sombres, l’amour, l’affection, l’espoir et la vie elle-même parviennent malgré tout à dissiper la peur de la mort. L’amour peut souvent être difficile à comprendre, mais la mort est une terrible certitude. Bomb, A Love Story montre comment, même face à l’obscurité de la mort, l’amour et l’espoir trouvent toujours un chemin.

Titre original : Bomb, yek asheghaneh
Réalisation : Payman Maadi
Scénario : Payman Maadi
Image : Mahmoud Kalari
Musique : Eleni Karaindrou
Avec : Leila Hatami, Payman Maadi, Siamak Ansari, Habib Rezaei, Mahmoud Kalari
Durée : 96′
Pays : Iran
Année : 2018
Genre : Drame
Langue du film : Perse, Anglais
Version : vost